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Monday, July 26, 2010

Midnight Movie (2008)

After a decent wait I finally got around to seeing Midnight Movie directed by Jack Messit. I have being a non-clever writer but it certainly was a mess. Get it? Mess?Messit? Well my writing is about as good as the movie.

After a opening that makes no real sense in the long run and is never bothered to be explained, we have a hapless group of movie theatre employees and patrons seeing a movie about a serial killer and his wife and or mom. As the movie runs the uninspired Skull masked killer comes out of the film and attacks the movie-goers. The movie on-screen is a blatant rip off of Texas Chainsaw, where the movie on the real world is a pseudo rip off of Demons, which is a truly horrifying movie.

The Directing isn't so bad all things considered, 22 days to shoot, no budget, no good ideas and a so-so cast. the only cast worth mentioning is Brea Grant from Halloween 2 and Heroes, who is soooo sexy. (Note to Damon: Yes Damon was right, it was her). The other cast member worth mentioning is Stan Ellsworth who plays the cool ass biker Harley. Brea is pretty much one note but played well and Harley goes from stereotyped biker, to a well rounded and liked character.

My main problem with the movie is it has no rules and therefore stuff can happen just for the sake of stuff happening. I'm not saying horror has to be realistic but at most a horror movie sets its own rules and plays by them. This is just sloppy. My other gripe is the ending which left me and my roommate just staring at each other dumb founded. It was extremely abrupt and laughably bad.

All in all, Ive seen worse and I've seen better. Its not horrible, just not worth your time.

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