Welcome to always honest and very opionated movie talk about what I love best. Horror

Friday, August 20, 2010

Piranha 3D

Just got back from a midnight showing of Piranha 3d and I have to admit it was more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

To be honest I had a few drinks before the movie so I was rip roaring and ready to go. First off the beginning of the movie has a cameo,a somewhat surprise cameo from a well known actor, reviving one of his most beloved and famous roles. Side note alto of the sheer enjoyment of the movie were scenes that were featured in the trailer, but now you get to see them in 3D. Anyway the movie starts off slow after "said" awesome opening and doesn't really get moving for another half hour.

But when it gets going the blood, guts and nudity don't stop for the rest of the movie. The characters are really ho-hum so who cares as they slowly become chum. But I did end up rooting for some characters to live but felt nothing when they died because their deaths are carnage candy, realistic flesh wounds and bite marks. Blood clouding the water and there is a symphony of body parts dropping through the water. I would expect nothing less from the director of the remake of The Hills Have Eyes and Haute Tension.

I could rip on the 3D, but that's kind of passe, it accents a couple scenes of the movie but otherwise no real purpose. However there are two scenes that are interesting. 1. A nude lesbian scene underwater and another that I wont spoil I'll just say Sausage!

The last thing to note is the awesome cast in the movie, Elisabeth Shue, Richard Dreyfuss,Ving Rhames, Christopher Llyod, Eli Roth and Jerry O'Connel. they are all in on the joke and each bring something to the movie. Once again I can happily say "Don't Go In The Water"!!

P.S. See Scott Pilgrim!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams

Me: Hey roomie, I just rented 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams. The only movie with Bill Mosley and Ahmed Best.
Roomie:Mesa is the Devil and Mesa is here to do the devils work.

The following exchange and maybe a couple moments of dialogue are the only moments of enjoyment I got from the movie.

The sequel to the remake of 2000 Maniacs is very much an acquired taste. Bill Mosley replace Robert England as the mayor of a southern town that was raped, pillaged and burned to the ground by Union officers during the civil war. Now as Ghosts?Zombies? Unknowns? They must kill 1000 northerners to avenge each lost soul. Kinda of a goofy story but I've heard worse and sometimes no story whatsoever in horror movies. In our sequel they take their show on the road and meet up with two royal celeb princess, think The Simple Life, and their crew filming a show out of a van. Well the two meet up about a long 20 minutes into the movie and the southerners proceed to kill them one by one.

Now there are a decent number of deaths but they are spread out over the movie and when there is no carnage there is only joking around by the towns folk and some screwing around by the t.v. crew. The main problem is those jokes are not funny, most cringe worthy and the screwing around is in no way sexy. Maybe the movie tries to be to many things but I would give them that much credit.

The gore and violence are as uninspired as the joke. Cheap effects including a saw that looks card board and a fake eletric chair are all they got to go on. the rest goes downhill. As for the characters, I'm use to having unlikable villains, but in this everyone is unlikable. I could care as much about villians as I do the stupid victims. Now it is just a shot at reality t.v. and celebulites but who really cares anymore, you making jokes proves you still want to talk about them.

In summation, maybe its just a really big laugh than I'm not in on. My only other thought watching it was they want to end their curse, but they choose to kill so slowly that one might assume at this point they really are monsters and care more about inflicting pain then getting vegence. But on that note half of the crew on the show arent from the north anyway. I think I just put thought into this than they did.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Midnight Movie (2008)

After a decent wait I finally got around to seeing Midnight Movie directed by Jack Messit. I have being a non-clever writer but it certainly was a mess. Get it? Mess?Messit? Well my writing is about as good as the movie.

After a opening that makes no real sense in the long run and is never bothered to be explained, we have a hapless group of movie theatre employees and patrons seeing a movie about a serial killer and his wife and or mom. As the movie runs the uninspired Skull masked killer comes out of the film and attacks the movie-goers. The movie on-screen is a blatant rip off of Texas Chainsaw, where the movie on the real world is a pseudo rip off of Demons, which is a truly horrifying movie.

The Directing isn't so bad all things considered, 22 days to shoot, no budget, no good ideas and a so-so cast. the only cast worth mentioning is Brea Grant from Halloween 2 and Heroes, who is soooo sexy. (Note to Damon: Yes Damon was right, it was her). The other cast member worth mentioning is Stan Ellsworth who plays the cool ass biker Harley. Brea is pretty much one note but played well and Harley goes from stereotyped biker, to a well rounded and liked character.

My main problem with the movie is it has no rules and therefore stuff can happen just for the sake of stuff happening. I'm not saying horror has to be realistic but at most a horror movie sets its own rules and plays by them. This is just sloppy. My other gripe is the ending which left me and my roommate just staring at each other dumb founded. It was extremely abrupt and laughably bad.

All in all, Ive seen worse and I've seen better. Its not horrible, just not worth your time.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wrong Turn 2

For my first review I will talk about Wrong Turn 2. I first saw it when it first came out and for whatever reason didn't think much on it. But after watching Friday The 13Th 4 which has a commentary from Wrong Turn 2's director Joe Lynch and Hatchets director Adam Green, they're enthusiasm and general knowledge of horror, how could such a cool guy make a bad movie. So I decided to re watch WT 2 with my roommate and I am glad I decided to revisit it.

Wrong Turn 2 is a sequel to the original Wrong Turn staring Desmond Harrington and Eliza Dushku. A Deliverance type of film in the backwoods, where attractive people are attacked and eaten by cannibalistic hillbilly's. These hillbilly's are also mutants. Part Two has no returning characters to speak of and is it own beast.

This time a reality t.v. show based on surviving the Apocalypse is being staged in the mutant cannibals wood. The cast is likable enough led by Henry Rollins and Blair Witch 2's Erica Leerhsen, who was also in the redux of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.Rollins is a former and the shows host while the latter is a contestant. In the opening minutes we are treated a great and grisly opening followed by a show of horror that pulls no punches.

Granted when watching it, you realise Lynch truly is a child of 80's Horror. It is all slightly over the top but only in gratifying ways where he wants make the audience cheer and sometime squirm with delight.The characters are likable enough where you do feel bad when the mayhem and carnage is perpetrated on them. Its a clever balance of wanting the characters to get away but at the same time getting the bloody pay off you pay your money for you.

As far as being the director's freshman project everything is shot with enthusiasm and it looks great with no small help from DP Robin Loewin and the make-up effects of Optic Nerve Studios. His enthusiastic direction also shows in the performance of the actors.

In the end I really feel it is a love letter to the Splatter movies he and so many of us have grown up on. He knows his stuff when it comes to horror whether making movies or discussing them. The only things I'm left wondering about it 1.Why it was dumped to Direct to Dvd and 2. Why Mr.Lynch does not already have another movie out.

Good news on the latter, he has started Production on his next feature called Knights Of Badassdom, staring Summer Glau and Ryan Kwanten. I cant wait to see what he does with a original project.

Monday, July 19, 2010

My top 10 Horror Movies

Just to start off, instead of a description of who I am and what I do. I will just come out and tell you my top 13 Horror Movies. I will probably dicuss them in length later but for now here they are for you list loving freaks. No particular order cause that would be like asking which of my fictional children I love more.

1.Friday The 13th Part 6.
2.Dawn of The Dead (1978)
3.Repo The Gentic Opera
4.Night Of The Creeps
5.Halloween (1978)
6.Demons (1985)
7.House of 1000 Corpses
8.Pet Sematary
9.28 Days Later
11.Near Dark
12.Trick R Treat(2008)
13.Silver Bullet